Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., published online 22 August 2011, doi:10.1073/pnas.1109169108


The production of intracellular vesicles permeable to gases such as H2, O2, CO2 or CH4 has been shown to be important for buoyancy in various bacterial and archaeal species, but it has been mostly seen in planktonic microorganisms, whose physiology favors life at air-liquid interfaces. Ramsay et al. now show that the virulent Gram-negative bacteria Serratia 39906 also produces gas vesicles that serve a potentially important role in mobility to air-liquid interfaces. Using a transposon-based mutagenesis strategy, the authors found a gene cluster containing 19 open reading frames that is required to maintain an opaque colony phenotype, a typical measure of gas vesicle formation. Whereas a wild-type strain was buoyant and densely packed with gas vesicles, a strain lacking the gene cluster sedimented. The genes in the cluster were largely homologous to known gas vesicle proteins, such as a key structural protein GvpA, and to putative regulatory proteins. Monitoring the temporal expression patterns of gvpA1 indicated that gas vesicle formation was stimulated under conditions of low O2. Finally, the authors found that gas vesicle formation required the quorum sensing molecule N-butanoyl-L-homoserine lactone and RsmA, an RNA-binding protein that simultaneously represses flagellar motility. These results suggest that these bacteria use oxygen- and quorum-sensing–dependent gas vesicles to control mobility when an air-liquid interface lifestyle is desirable but flagellar-based motion is too energetically costly.