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Lenalidomide-mediated erythroid improvement in non-del(5q) myelodysplastic syndromes is associated with bone marrow immuno-remodeling

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We thank A Renneville, C Preudhomme (Lille), O Wagner-Ballon (Créteil) and E Solary (Villejuif) for helpful discussion, S Baulande from ICGex NGS platform of the Institut Curie and investigators of the Groupe Francophone des Myélodysplasies. This study received a research grant from Celgene and was conducted by two teams labeled by the SIRIC Cancer Research for PErsonalized Medicine CARPEM. OK received a CARPEM fellowship grant.

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Kerdivel, G., Chesnais, V., Becht, E. et al. Lenalidomide-mediated erythroid improvement in non-del(5q) myelodysplastic syndromes is associated with bone marrow immuno-remodeling. Leukemia 32, 558–562 (2018).

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