Correction to: Journal of Perinatology (2011) 31, 551–560; doi:10.1038/jp.2010.208; published online 10 February 2011

Following the publication of this article and the ensuing Letter to the Editor, the authors would like to revise the sentence pertaining to the outcome of the multi-generational study (the second to last sentence under the section entitled ‘DINCH’ on page 3) to reflect that there was a significant decrease of the anogenital index in both genders, not only in males.

Furthermore, reference no. 46 should be revised to list the final SCENIHR report published in 2008, not the preliminary SCENIHR report dated 2007. The correct reference is listed below:

SCENIHR. OPINION ON THE SAFETY OF MEDICAL DEVICES CONTAINING DEHP PLASTICIZED PVC OR OTHER PLASTICIZERS ON NEONATES AND OTHER GROUPS POSSIBLY AT RISK. Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly-Identified Health Risks, Health and Consumer Protection Directorate-General, European Commission, February 2008.