In this month’s roundtable, our panel discusses the Covering Climate Now project, language choice in climate change stories, and what makes a good climate image.

In this episode:

00:44 A global media collaboration

This week, Nature is taking part in the Covering Climate Now project. What is it and why has Nature joined? Editorial: Act now and avert a climate crisis

05:49 ‘Climate change’ vs ‘climate emergency’

In early 2019, The Guardian changed the wording they use when covering climate stories. Our panel discusses the importance of phrasing, and how it evolves. The Guardian: Why the Guardian is changing the language it uses about the environment

13:40 Choosing climate images

What makes a good image for a climate change story? What do they add to a written news story?

This episode of the Backchat is part of Covering Climate Now, a global collaboration of more than 250 media outlets to highlight the issue of climate change.

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