Every dental professional knows that there seem to be strong links between looking after your oral health and your health in general. Research has probed many of these links, and in this issue of BDJ Team we present a study that reviewed the available evidence of the potential association between periodontitis and Alzheimer's disease. Are patients with gum disease at greater risk of developing Alzheimer's?

Recently there has been a strong focus on dental care for the elderly in the BDJ portfolio – for as we all know, we have an ageing population placing high demands on dental services. However, in this issue we are pleased to include an original article from Paul Hellyer looking not at oral health and access to dental care in the elderly, but at spotting signs of elder abuse among older patients who may attend the practice accompanied by a family member or carer. Find out what elder abuse is and about the activities of the organisation Action on Elder Abuse (www.elderabuse.org.uk).

The cover story (and CPD article) in our March issue was about dental complaints, and this April we publish the second excerpt from Mike Young's book (2nd edition) Managing a dental practice the Genghis Khan way. Part 2 is all about managing employees – essential reading for all current and aspiring dental practice managers.

In our latest exclusive reader panel article, Nicole Sturzenbaum explains why conscious sedation is a good treatment option for certain child patients.

Did you catch the controversial letter to the editor published in the March issue of BDJ Team: Pillaging from dental hygienists? (http://www.nature.com/articles/bdjteam201648) It caused a storm on our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/bdjteam) so check it out if you haven't already done so. You're more than welcome to send your own views or to send me a letter on another topic that you would like to raise. Just email k.quinlan@nature.com.

Likewise, if you would like to write an article for BDJ Team or nominate an interviewee who has a good story, let me know.