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Reconstruction of methylmercury intakes in indigenous populations from biomarker data

A Corrigendum to this article was published on 15 July 2006


Significant amounts of methylmercury (MeHg) can bioaccumulate in fish and sea mammals. To monitor MeHg exposure in individuals, organic and inorganic mercury are often measured in blood samples or in hair strands, the latter being by far the best integrator of past exposure. With knowledge of the MeHg kinetics in humans, the levels of both biomarkers can be related to MeHg body burden and intakes. In the present study, we use the toxicokinetic model of Carrier et al. (2001) describing the distribution and excretion of MeHg in humans, to reconstruct the history of MeHg intakes of indigenous women of the Inuvik region in Canada starting from total mercury concentrations in hair segments. From these reconstructed MeHg intakes, the corresponding simulated mercury blood concentrations are found to be good predictors of the concentrations actually measured in blood samples. An important conclusion of this study is that, for almost all subjects, the reconstructed history of their MeHg intakes provides much lower intake values than intakes estimated from questionnaires on food consumption and estimated MeHg levels in these foods; the mean value of the reconstructed MeHg intakes is 0.03 μg/kg/day compared with the mean value of 0.20 μg/kg/day obtained from questionnaires. The model was also used to back-calculate the MeHg intakes from concentrations in hair strands collected from aboriginals of the Amazon region in Brazil, a population significantly more exposed than the population of the Inuvik region.

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We wish to thank the Northern Contaminants Program of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada and the Institut de Recherche Robert-Sauvé en Santé et Sécurité du Travail (IRSST) for providing financial support.

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Correspondence to Gaétan Carrier.

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Gosselin, N., Brunet, R., Carrier, G. et al. Reconstruction of methylmercury intakes in indigenous populations from biomarker data. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol 16, 19–29 (2006).

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