Having been involved in the development of several dental websites www.cebd.org, www.evidentistsa.org and www.scottishdental.org, one of the key discussions has always been around what indexing or navigation system we should use on the sites. Broadly speaking these taxonomies fall into two main groups, topic-based and speciality-based with websites often using both as shown in Table 1. Similarly, in this journal we have tended to use a mix of topic-based and speciality-based systems to identify the summaries that are published in the journal.

Table 1 Topic- and speciality-based navigation systems from the Centre for Evidence-based Dentistry website www.cebd.org

While working with the team developing the Evidentista site1 we have been looking to use a single taxonomy rather than the topic-/speciality-based ones previously adopted. Table 2 shows the first level headings we have developed for the taxonomy and each of them except Service Organisation & Delivery of Care will have common second level headings of; guidelines, epidemiology, diagnosis, prevention and treatment. From the first issue of the journal next year I am planning to trial the use these first level headings to identify the summaries in the journal and I would be interested in any feedback.

Table 2 Proposed Evidentista taxonomy