
This review examined 31 reports relating to invasive procedures in a number of disciplines. A small number of these reports documented oral surgery, whereas others covered procedures ranging from cataract surgery, cardiac catheterisation, gastrointestinal endoscopy to treatment of genitourinary conditions.

The quality of the reports was considered to be poor in general. A lack of separation of minor from major procedures was acknowledged to make the interpretation of postoperative problems difficult. In one report that included over 2000 procedures with continuation of OAC, 12 cases (0.6%) were recorded as suffering serious bleeding. Again, definition of serious compared with minor bleeding was not clarified. Another report, in which OAC were withheld in a group of over 500 cases, reported two thrombo-embolic events.

In two more recent studies, including over 100 cases, little difference was recorded in outcomes when OAC were withheld, with or without substitution with heparin regimes. A higher than expected observed rate of thrombo-embolic events and strokes associated with various forms of surgery was noted in these two studies. Theoretical causative factors such as rebound hypercoagulability and a thrombotic state induced by surgery were discussed but other possible factors, such as the effects of drugs (eg, antibiotics and analgesics) and of change of diet, were not.

If it is accepted that only minor surgery is being performed in dental practice, the relevance of this paper to general dental practitioners is limited. Perhaps its significance is that it highlights the possibly grave consequences of a thrombo embolic event compared with the consequence of even a serious postoperative bleed. Therefore if planning a minor surgical procedure in a patient with a mechanical mitral valve, who is maintained at the higher INR (international normalized ratio) level withholding OAC is not warranted unless it is required on medical grounds (to maintain them in their target/therapeutic range). Ironically, the lower-target patients, such as the atrial fibrillation group, who are less likely to bleed, can have their OAC stopped with little consequence. This paper produces no evidence to support the use of regimens of heparin to substitute for perioperatively withheld OAC in minor surgical procedures.

Practice points

  • Dental surgery including minor oral surgical procedures should be performed without alteration of OAC.

  • Heparin substituting for OAC withheld perioperatively in minor oral surgery is not supported at the present time.