
Clinical performance of a compomer and amalgam for the interproximal restoration of primary molars: a 24-month evaluation. M. S. Duggal, K. J. Toumba and N. K. Sharma Br Dent J 2002; 193: 339–342


Clinicians are always faced with the question of what is the best material to use in restoring carious teeth. Amalgam has been used extensively in restoring primary molars but because of its aesthetics and the public fear of mercury toxicity, alternative tooth colour restorative materials have been tried with variable success rates. This paper conducted a prospective study comparing the success rates between amalgam and compomer (Dyract) in restoring the proximal lesions of primary molars. The two years' results showed that both materials had high retention rates with more that 90% of the restorations remaining functional. However, more than 10% of the restorations had recurrent caries and one wonders whether some of the 'functional' restorations should be replaced. Dyract was shown to have significantly better marginal integrity than amalgam and, surprisingly, slightly better wear resistance as well.

This is a well designed prospective study with split mouth design to reduce the patient bias. However, it suffers from the inevitable problem of number of subjects and failure of follow up (18 out of 78 patients were unavailable at 24 months). There is a recent controversy on whether it is worthwhile restoring primary teeth in general practice because of its high failure rate. This paper shows that if a clinician respects the material and follows the standard cavity design, a high success rate can be achieved in general dental practice despite the choice of material. Compared with a retrospective study carried out in a general dental practice,1 the use of bitewing radiographs to diagnose proximal caries is a major factor in enhancing the success rate of a restoration. If the lesion is extensive, it has been shown by many studies that stainless crowns should be the choice of restoration.