
Dental pain and dental treatment of young children attending the general dental service. K M Milsom M Tickle and A S Blinkhorn Br Dent J 2002; 192: 280–284


This is an interesting and potentially controversial paper. The authors suggest that: among children attending a general dental practice on a regular basis, pain, sepsis and extractions resulting from tooth decay were a sizeable problem; and increased levels of restorative care did not lead either to reduced levels of pain, or to reduced levels of extraction therapy

No doubt some readers will argue that these findings are simply a reflection of an under-funded, under-skilled and inadequate approach to paediatric dentistry within the General Dental Service of the NHS. Others will argue that the paper reinforces the message that a restorative approach is doomed to failure from the outset, and that this should be replaced by a comprehensive primary health care approach with a strong emphasis on health promotion. Yet others will take the opportunity to castigate the present and previous governments for their perceived lack of commitment to introducing water fluoridation. If readers find themselves drawn to any of these conclusions I would suggest they re-read the paper critically.

The study involves a retrospective review of the clinical care records of a group of 677 children who attended 50 general dental practices on a regular basis over a 9-year period. This study design poses a number of problems. First, all children included had to have experienced at least one primary molar with interproximal caries. Children with no experience of decay in their primary molar teeth who might account for more than half of the regularly attending young children in a general dental practice1 were excluded from the study. Second, case notes are often deficient, particularly in recording preventive advice and treatment.2 Indeed, a recent leader in this journal strongly reinforces that message.3 Thirdly, the extent of dental caries (measured as the number of decayed primary molars) was only weakly associated with the prevalence of pain, sepsis and extractions (the odds ratios were around 1.2). Yet this finding does not tally with the data from epidemiological studies in fluoridated areas4 where the effects on pain, sepsis and extractions were marked. Finally, teasing out cause and effect from this type of study is notoriously difficult.

However the authors are well aware of the limitations of their study. They note that 'these primary studies highlight an anomaly, and lay the foundations to move from observational research to studies designed to examine the effectiveness of restorative care within the primary care setting'. The authors are to be congratulated on raising this important anomaly and they and others should be encouraged to continue this research and implement prospective studies.