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Pleiotropic p27Kip1, BCR-ABL and leukemic stem cell: the trio in concert

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We thank Drs Tony Hunter and Joyce Slingerland for providing p27 constructs used in our studies. Grateful acknowledgement is earnestly due to Drs David Scadden, Jon Aster, Tom Kadesch, Hans Clevers, Chris Albanese, Toshiyuki Sakai, Jacqueline Bromberg and John Clifford for various molecular constructs that were used to decipher crosstalk among self-renewal-associated signaling pathways in CML CD34+ cells. This study would not have been possible without their generous cooperation. We also thank Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics for financial assistance and regret for not citing several original references owing to space constraints.

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Sengupta, A., Banerjee, S. Pleiotropic p27Kip1, BCR-ABL and leukemic stem cell: the trio in concert. Leukemia 21, 2559–2561 (2007).

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