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The c-kit (CD117) sequence variation M541L, but not N564K, is frequent in the general population, and is not associated with CML in Caucasians

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We thank Mr A. Schiewart and Ms B. Hanel for excellent technical assistance. This study was supported by the Competence Network ‘Acute and chronic leukemias’, sponsored by the German Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (Projektträger Gesundheitsforschung; DLR e.V.- 01 GI9980/6).

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Krüger, S., Emig, M., Lohse, P. et al. The c-kit (CD117) sequence variation M541L, but not N564K, is frequent in the general population, and is not associated with CML in Caucasians. Leukemia 20, 354–355 (2006).

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