Figure 1Dr Takashi Takahashi obtained his MD in 1979 from Nagoya University, Japan, and was initially trained in surgery, specializing in thoracic surgery. After completion of research work at the Aichi Cancer Center Research Institute, he obtained his PhD from Nagoya University in 1988 and then engaged in postdoctoral studies at the NCI-Navy Medical Oncology Branch, NCI of USA, where he identified p53 as a frequent target for genetic alterations in lung cancer. In 1990, he joined the Aichi Cancer Center Research Institute, where he is currently Chief of the Division of Molecular Oncology. Dr Takahashi's group has made many significant contributions to our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying lung carcinogenesis and progression through a wide range of basic and applied studies on tumor suppressor inactivations and cancer metastasis as well as of molecular epidemiological and molecular correlative studies.

figure 1

Figure 1