Nuclear astrophysics articles within Nature Physics


  • Letter
    | Open Access

    The cores of neutron stars could be made of hadronic matter or quark matter. By combining first-principles calculations with observational data, evidence for the presence of quark matter in neutron star cores is found.

    • Eemeli Annala
    • , Tyler Gorda
    •  & Aleksi Vuorinen
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    One of the fundamental radioactive decay modes of nuclei is β decay. Now, nuclear theorists have used first-principles simulations to explain nuclear β decay properties across a range of light- to medium-mass isotopes, up to 100Sn.

    • Arnau Rios
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    Deep-sea sediments reveal the production sites of the heaviest chemical elements in the Universe to be neutron star mergers — rare events that eject large amounts of mass — and not core-collapse supernovae.

    • Friedrich-Karl Thielemann
  • Letter |

    The so-called braking index calculated for the spin-down of rotating neutron stars, or pulsars, doesn’t tally well with observations. But a model accounting for a changing moment of inertia, as an increasing fraction of the stellar core becomes superfluid, can explain the rotational evolution of young pulsars.

    • Wynn C. G. Ho
    •  & Nils Andersson