Leukocytes articles within Nature Reviews Cardiology


  • Research Highlight |

    Cytotoxic CD8+ T cells specific for the cardiac protein α-myosin heavy chain have a key role in immune-checkpoint-inhibitor-associated myocarditis, according to a study published in Nature.

    • Irene Fernández-Ruiz
  • Research Highlight |

    A new study shows that regulatory T cells have essential roles in atherosclerotic plaque regression by promoting the resolution of plaque inflammation through suppression of macrophage and T cell pro-inflammatory responses and induction of a pro-resolving macrophage phenotype.

    • Irene Fernández-Ruiz
  • Review Article |

    Accumulating evidence supports the critical role of T cells as drivers and modifiers of atherosclerosis. In this Review, Ley and colleagues describe the latest advances in our understanding of the role of T cell subsets in atherosclerosis, discuss the process of T cell homing to atherosclerotic plaques and highlight potential T cell-related therapies for atherosclerosis.

    • Ryosuke Saigusa
    • , Holger Winkels
    •  & Klaus Ley
  • Research Highlight |

    AIBP-mediated cholesterol efflux promotes the specification of haematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) in embryogenesis and induces adult HSPC expansion in hypercholesterolaemic conditions, mediated by SREBP2-regulated activation of Notch signalling.

    • Irene Fernández-Ruiz
  • Research Highlight |

    A subset of T cells present in the small intestine modulate systemic metabolism and contribute to cardiovascular disease by limiting the bioavailability of the incretin hormone GLP1.

    • Irene Fernández-Ruiz
  • Review Article |

    Research on cardiac repair and regeneration is shifting from a stem cell focus towards the dynamic interplay of stromal and immune cells of the cardiac interstitium. This Review provides new insights into the immunoregulatory functions of cardiac interstitial cells and their complex network of interactions, highlighting the therapeutic potential for cardiac disease.

    • Elvira Forte
    • , Milena Bastos Furtado
    •  & Nadia Rosenthal

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