Education articles within Nature Physics


  • Editorial |

    A scientist’s legacy is defined not only by their research but also by their teaching. Stronger efforts should be made to preserve and celebrate the exposition of physics at all levels.

  • Comment |

    Availability of the source code should soon become the minimum standard for academic software. In addition, culture should shift to embrace code review and appropriate credit for the developers of reusable software.

    • Radovan Bast
  • Commentary |

    Among physics students there exists a wide variety of misconceptions, generally thought to be robust and resistant to change. But our analysis of the path of progress has changed our conception of how students learn physics.

    • Nathaniel Lasry
    • , Jonathan Guillemette
    •  & Eric Mazur
  • Editorial |

    In times of fiscal restraint, it is vital that every dollar, pound, yen, yuan and euro be put to good use. Lazy accounting, however, is no way to encourage excellence.