Consensus Statements in 2020

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  • The analysis of ctDNA obtained from low-volume blood samples has the potential to transform the management of patients with colorectal cancer. Nevertheless, research priorities and minimum standards for sample collection and analysis in this area are currently missing. In this Position Paper, the NCI Colon and Rectal–Anal Task Forces provide a set of recommendations designed to address these challenges and accelerate the implementation of ctDNA in the management of patients with colorectal cancer.

    • Arvind Dasari
    • Van K. Morris
    • Scott Kopetz
    Consensus StatementOpen Access
  • Risk-adapted approaches to breast cancer prevention and screening could potentially be more effective than universal approaches, which have important limitations. In this Consensus Statement, representatives of the European Collaborative on Personalized Early Detection and Prevention of Breast Cancer (ENVISION) discuss the current state of breast cancer risk prediction, risk-stratified prevention and early detection strategies, and their implementation. They also present the ENVISION recommendations on priorities for future research in each of these areas with the aim of stimulating and guiding risk-adapted breast cancer prevention and screening programmes.

    • Nora Pashayan
    • Antonis C. Antoniou
    • Martin Widschwendter
    Consensus StatementOpen Access