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Volume 24 Issue 9, September 2024

One circular RNA to rule them all, inspired by the Review on p597

Cover design: Lara Crow


  • The practice of posting preprint manuscripts on servers such as bioRxiv has become increasingly common. In this Comment, Hindle and Sever explore the utility of preprints for advancing researchers careers.

    • Samantha Hindle
    • Richard Sever


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Research Highlights

  • In this Tools of the Trade article, Erin Brown describes the development of CytoSPACE, a computational tool that aligns single-cell transcriptomes and spatial transcriptomic data, and highlights its use in identifying spatially resolved cell states in the tumour microenvironment.

    • Erin L. Brown
    Tools of the Trade
  • In a recent study published in Nature, lactate has been identified as a key player in enhancing DNA repair mechanisms in gastric cancer by promoting lactylation of DNA repair proteins, leading to chemotherapy resistance.

    • Daniela Senft
    Research Highlight
  • Leighow et al. develop a strategy called the dual-switch selection gene drive platform, which enables the evolutionary dynamics of acquired resistance to be manipulated for therapeutic ends.

    • Anna Dart
    Research Highlight
  • Pregnancy involves immune system suppression to protect the fetus, making it a valuable model for understanding cancer immune tolerance. Recently in Cell, Yu et al. identified B7-H4 as a common immune tolerance checkpoint in both tumours and the placenta.

    • Linda Gummlich
    Research Highlight
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Journal Club

  • In this Journal Club, Maeng and Ku discuss a study demonstrating that profiling drug responses in patient-derived organoids can identify responders to various therapies.

    • Ju Eun Maeng
    • Ja-Lok Ku
    Journal Club
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  • Circular RNAs, once considered by-products of splicing errors, are now accepted as key players in cancer biology. In this Review, Conn et al. review the functional interactome of circular RNAs in cancer, highlighting their contribution to oncogenesis, their potential as biomarkers and the prospect of leveraging them for novel therapeutics.

    • Vanessa M. Conn
    • Arul M. Chinnaiyan
    • Simon J. Conn
    Review Article
  • Adoptive cell therapies have emerged as promising approaches for the treatment of patients with cancer. Engineering cell therapies to confer resistance to small-molecule therapies, chemotherapies and antibody-based therapies will improve their utility and success. Here, Wellhausen, Baek and colleagues outline the key principles of engineering resistance and potential applications for haematopoietic stem cell transplantation and allogeneic immune cell therapies.

    • Nils Wellhausen
    • Joanne Baek
    • Carl H. June
    Review Article
  • Transient ectopic lymphoid structures known as tertiary lymphoid structures (TLS) have been observed in many solid tumour types. In this Review, Teillaud et al. discuss how these TLS potentially orchestrate immune responses against tumours locally and are positively associated with prognosis and response to immune checkpoint inhibitors. The authors also outline how preclinical studies are highlighting the potential to manipulate the formation and function of TLS as a novel form of immunotherapy.

    • Jean-Luc Teillaud
    • Ana Houel
    • Marie-Caroline Dieu-Nosjean
    Review Article
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