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  • For ultracold atoms experiencing a synthetic magnetic field in an optical lattice, it is possible to observe the translational symmetry-breaking pattern determined by the chosen gauge.

    • Tomoki Ozawa
    News & Views
  • Crushing a brittle porous medium such as a box of cereal causes the grains to break up and rearrange themselves. A lattice spring model based on simple physical assumptions gives rise to behaviours that are complex enough to reproduce diverse compaction patterns.

    • Nicolas Vandewalle
    News & Views
  • When compacting a brittle porous medium—think stepping on fresh snow—patterns develop. Simulations and densification experiments with cereals now provide an understanding of compaction patterns in terms of a lattice model with breakable springs.

    • François Guillard
    • Pouya Golshan
    • Itai Einav
  • The complex interactions inherent in real-world networks grant us precise system control via manipulation of a subset of nodes. It turns out that the extent to which we can exercise this control depends sensitively on the number of nodes perturbed.

    • Gang Yan
    • Georgios Tsekenis
    • Albert-László Barabási
  • We're well versed on the first-passage time for a random process, but the time required to cover more than one site in a system is a different problem altogether. It turns out that the two measures have more in common than we thought.

    • Eli Barkai
    News & Views
  • The efficient and robust manipulation of single spins is an essential requirement for successful quantum devices. The manipulation of a single nitrogen–vacancy spin centre is now demonstrated by means of a mechanical resonator approach.

    • A. Barfuss
    • J. Teissier
    • P. Maletinsky
  • The first-passage time relates the efficiency of a search process, but fails to do so for searches in which several targets are sought. Now, the distribution of times required for a random search to visit all sites has been determined analytically.

    • Marie Chupeau
    • Olivier Bénichou
    • Raphaël Voituriez
    • Luke Fleet
    Research Highlights
  • Two's company.

    • Aldous Mercer
  • What is it about the Hubble Space Telescope that so captivates its users and the public at large? I offer my personal views on this iconic telescope.

    • Luis C. Ho
  • A new NASA mission will reveal the electron-scale physics of magnetic reconnection, a process that connects our planet to the rest of the Universe.

    • Thomas Earle Moore
    • James L. Burch
    • Roy B. Torbert
  • Quantum technologies, including quantum sensors, quantum communication and quantum metrology, represent a growing industry. Out in space, such technologies can revolutionize the way we communicate and observe our planet.

    • Kai Bongs
    • Michael Holynski
    • Yeshpal Singh