
  • Reaction over cubic catalyst

    Ammonia is an essential global chemical but its synthesis is energy intensive and pollutes the environment. This Focus issue highlights recent developments in green ammonia synthesis, as well as discussing the challenges which need to be overcome for the commercial production of green ammonia.

  • Robot arms working in chemistry laboratory.

    The combination of techniques such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, robotics and automation can be used to accelerate chemical and materials synthesis. This Focus issue showcases developments in the automation and digitalization of synthesis, as well as highlights the challenges to be overcome in this area.

  • Pipes in chemical factory

    Flow chemistry is an enabling technology which is used to tackle synthetic problems in both industrial and academic settings. This Focus issue showcases how flow technologies can provide reaction outcomes which are distinct from the corresponding batch processes and how they can be applied in synthesis.

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  • Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) are promising photocatalysts for the direct photosynthesis of H2O2, but their symmetric structure can lead to weak O2 adsorption. Now thiophene sulfur atoms are introduced into COFs to induce local asymmetric electron distributions, which enhance the O2 adsorption capacity and interaction of the COFs, promoting direct photosynthesis of H2O2.

    • Youxing Liu
    • Lu Li
    • Shaojun Guo
  • A singly bonded gallanediyl undergoes carbometalation reactions with alkynes by retaining the low +I oxidation state and the singly bonded nature of gallium. The insertion into the gallium(I)–carbon bond proceeds regioselectively and gives exclusively the syn-addition products.

    • Simon H. F. Schreiner
    • Tobias Rüffer
    • Robert Kretschmer
  • An interfacially coupled Cu-cluster/GaN photocathode is designed to overcome the efficiency and stability bottlenecks in photoelectrochemical CO2 reduction to multicarbon products. The self-optimized Ga–N–O interface facilitates and stabilizes interfacially oxidized copper species of copper clusters, which function as efficient C–C coupling sites for ethylene production.

    • Bingxing Zhang
    • Peng Zhou
    • Zetian Mi
  • Computational analysis of competing sulfur(VI)–fluoride exchange and modular diazotransfer pathways in the reaction between primary amines and fluorosulfuryl azide reveals that diazotransfer is more kinetically and thermodynamically favoured. Predictive models are formulated by combining mechanistic analysis and structure–activity relationship studies, enabling the development of an easy-to-prepare and highly reactive diazotransfer reagent.

    • Meng-Meng Zheng
    • Liu Cai
    • Xiao-Song Xue
  • Dynamic supramolecular systems can be designed to adapt phases in a pre-programmable way. Here the transient nature of a gel system is exploited, in combination with the application of mechanical stimuli, to obtain soft materials with aligned fibres in a controllable way.

    • Simona Bianco
    • Fin Hallam Stewart
    • Dave J. Adams
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Synthesis of metastable materials away from thermodynamic equilibrium has been a challenge in materials chemistry, but thin-film methods often struggle to yield ground-state structures. Now, a synthesis pathway to thin films of stable layered ternary nitrides is revealed, and the tendency for metastable intermediate formation is discussed.

    • Andriy Zakutayev
    • Matthew Jankousky
    • Vladan Stevanovic