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  • Experiments published in Physical Review Letters on the separation dependence of gravitational attraction find results consistent with Newton’s law of gravitation for separations between 52 μm and 3 mm.

    • Zoe Budrikis
    Research Highlight
  • As the number of COVID-19 cases continues to grow around the world, physicists — many of whom rely on international travel and collaborations — are adapting.

    • Zoe Budrikis
    Research Highlight
  • A Nature paper reports the growth of wafer-scale single-crystalline hexagonal boron nitride on Cu(111).

    • Claire Ashworth
    Research Highlight
  • As the gravitational wave detector KAGRA goes online and the Hyper-Kamiokande neutrino detector upgrade is approved, we look at a number of upcoming big science projects in Japan.

  • Keeping track of the rapidly improving solar cell performance is not as easy as it seems. Martin Green describes the Solar Cell Efficiency Tables that have been providing regular updates of the record solar cell performance since the 1990s.

    • Martin A. Green
  • Experiments around the world are looking for signs of the charge conjugation and parity (CP) symmetry violation. Some of these searches might also reveal physics beyond the standard model.

    • Iulia Georgescu
  • A study in Advanced Materials combines ARPES and STM measurements of the same SmB6 crystal to provide a consistent picture of its surface states.

    • Ankita Anirban
    Research Highlight
  • Although the ultimate fate of the the International Linear Collider, a future 250 GeV linear accelerator based on superconducting radiofrequency technology, is yet to be decided, research and development efforts are proceeding undeterred.

    • Iulia Georgescu
    Research Highlight
  • Over the next 5 years the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) will be mapping 35 million galaxies and 2.4 million quasars trying to uncover the mystery of dark energy.

    • Iulia Georgescu
    Research Highlight
  • How can physicists reap the benefits of conferences while reducing their environmental impact? New formats, such as online and multisite conferences, may be part of the solution.

  • A Nature Communications paper reports a new model describing friction in layered materials and explaining previous results that were in apparent contradiction with one another.

    • Giulia Pacchioni
    Research Highlight
  • A PNAS paper presents a neural network of physics publications that can identify trends and provide suggestions for future research directions in quantum physics

    • Ankita Anirban
    Research Highlight
  • A Nature Physics paper reports a hardware-independent variational quantum algorithm that can be used to verify sampling and characterize unknown physical processes.

    • Iulia Georgescu
    Research Highlight
  • The increasing entropy of a black hole that evaporates by emitting Hawking radiation is at odds with the predictions of quantum mechanics. Juan Maldacena discusses the latest advances in solving this puzzle, known as the black hole information paradox.

    • Juan Maldacena
  • This month we examine the diversity of authors and referees at Nature Reviews Physics and find a lot of room to improve.

  • In December, physicists met in Paris to discuss how to push the limits of what can be measured with quantum sensors and how to keep moving them towards practical applications.

    • Zoe Budrikis
    Research Highlight
  • The three-body problem is relevant for astrophysical phenomena such as black hole mergers. It famously lacks a general analytical solution, but a new statistical solution relates the distributions of final and initial states, while requiring fewer assumptions than previous approaches.

    • Zoe Budrikis
    Research Highlight
  • As the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) celebrates its 10th anniversary, scientists look back on a challenging yet successful decade of research made possible by national and international collaboration.

    • Megan Friend
  • Knowing which atomic, molecular and optical physics computer code to use and how is a challenge. Andrew Brown surveys the available software packages and discusses how code development practices in academia could be improved.

    • Andrew Brown
  • Writing in Physical Review Letters the XENON collaboration reports how it is pushing the limits of the XENON1T experiment, further constraining the regions where light dark matter could be lurking.

    • Iulia Georgescu
    Research Highlight