Volume 1

  • No. 12 December 2020

    Wind energy production has increased in recent years to mitigate climate change. However, climate change may itself modify wind energy resources. This Review discusses the climatic mechanisms influencing current and future wind energy production, finding spatial variability in projected responses and a dominance of internal variability. See Pryor et al.

  • No. 11 November 2020

    Concrete is one of the most widely used man-made materials and is critical for ongoing urbanization. However, owing to its widespread use, concrete can have a negative impact on the environment. This Review provides medium-term and long-term solutions to address the environmental concerns surrounding concrete production. See Habert et al.

  • No. 10 October 2020

    Vegetation fires are integral to some ecosystems, but can be economically and environmentally destructive. This Review discusses contemporary and future fire regimes, adaptation to fire in the Anthropocene and the need for increased transdisciplinary research to achieve better fire management. See Bowman et al.

  • No. 9 September 2020

    Stressors arising from anthropogenic climate change threaten tropical fisheries and, in turn, those extratropical nations reliant on them. This Review discusses the impact of climate change on tropical fish stocks and catch potential, the corresponding telecoupling and subsequent adaptation measures. See Lam et al.

  • No. 8 August 2020

    Climate change affects lakes worldwide and is predicted to continue to alter lake ice cover, surface temperature, evaporation rates, water levels and mixing regimes. This Review discusses recent and expected lake responses to climate change and looks towards future research opportunities in lake monitoring and modelling. See Woolway et al.

  • No. 7 July 2020

    Pyroclastic density currents are complex multiphase flows originating from volcanic eruptions, accounting for almost a third of global volcanic fatalities. This Review discusses recent advances in understanding the complex internal processes within PDCs and how these influence the flow dynamics and hazard footprints. See Lube et al.

  • No. 6 June 2020

    Mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) are an important source of precipitation in many tropical and mid-latitude regions, but can also produce hazardous weather such as extreme rain, derechos and tornadoes. This Review discusses the formation of MCSs, their hazardous weather, predictive capabilities and projected changes with anthropogenic warming. See Schumacher and Rasmussen.

  • No. 5 May 2020

    The Deepwater Horizon disaster was the largest accidental discharge of oil into the environment, and was intensely studied during and after the event. In this Review, the subsequent advances made in oil chemistry, dispersant application, and microbiology are discussed. See Kujawinski et al.

  • No. 4 April 2020

    The increase in clothing consumption, exemplified in fast fashion, has severe environmental consequences. This Review discusses the impacts of fashion on natural resources and the environment, and examines how technology, policy, and consumer behavior can mitigate the negative effects of the fashion industry. See Niinimäki et al.

  • No. 3 March 2020

    Though lessons learned from Earth are frequently applied to other planets, there is much to learn about our own planet from the Solar System and beyond. This Perspective highlights examples from geological and atmospheric sciences in which other planetary bodies have acted as analogues, experiments, and archives for the Earth sciences. See Lapôtre et al.

  • No. 2 February 2020

    Carbon capture and storage has a fundamental role in limiting anthropogenic warming to 1.5–2°C. This Review discusses the basis, potential and limitations of in situ mineral carbonation as a carbon capture and storage strategy. See Snæbjörnsdóttir et al.

  • No. 1 January 2020

    Human actions are drastically modifying the planet (pictured here). Earth scientists from diverse yet complementary disciplines must come together to address the environmental issues of our time. See the Editorial.