Journal Information

Nature Reviews Earth & Environment is a new online-only reviews journal, publishing monthly from January 2020.

Aims & scope

We are interested in the latest advances in, and timely syntheses of, research spanning all aspects of Earth and environmental science, incorporating disciplines that fall within, and are related to, the following themes: weather and climate, surface processes, and solid Earth. The reciprocal relationship between the environment and society are also featured. Our broad scope and accessible format ensures that articles reache the widest possible audience.

Nature Reviews Earth & Environment is part of the Nature Reviews portfolio of journals. To learn more about Nature Reviews, check out this animation and the Nature Reviews page. You can also find a summary of the editorial input and checks here.

Online publication

Nature Reviews Earth & Environment is an exclusively online publication. This allows us to publish review-type articles as soon as they are ready, which benefits authors with an earlier publication date and allows our readers access to accepted papers several weeks before they would appear in a specific issue. Note that papers published online are definitive and may only be altered through the publication of an addendum, corrigendum or erratum, so authors should make every effort to ensure that the article proofs are correct.

Content types

We publish a range of content types, including Reviews, Perspectives, and Technical Reviews along with Comments and Research Highlights, elaborating on significant advances and other topical issues in Earth and environmental science.

Editors and contact information

Like the other Nature titles, Nature Reviews Earth & Environment has no external, academic editors. Instead, all editorial decisions are made by a dedicated team of full-time professional editors. For information on their research backgrounds and scientific interests, see About the Editors.

General editorial inquiries and correspondence should be addressed to the Editor, at

Inquiries about the status of a manuscript should be addressed to the Editorial Assistant, at

To inquire about institutional access, advertising or marketing please contact the appropriate department.


The correct abbreviation for abstracting and indexing purposes is Nat. Rev. Earth Environ.


The electronic international standard serial numbers (EISSN) for Nature Reviews Earth & Environment  is 2662-138X.


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