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  • SDGs need to be addressed in collaborated efforts, where science and technology play a vital role. And here is an attempt to assess how CAS’s research output has contributed to addressing the SDGs.

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  • Bibliometric analysis offers just one way to assess science’s contribution to addressing the SDGs, and it suggests some approaches for CAS and other research institutions to better address the global challenges with their research.

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  • Today’s flu vaccines cannot prevent a devastating 1918-style pandemic. New advances are fueling a push for a long-lasting, broadly protective vaccine.

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  • Working to feed the world healthy, sustainable food, now and in the future, will be a mammoth undertaking. At a recent Nature Café, experts gathered to learn from each other the methods being tested to achieve this important goal.

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  • Scientific research has a big role to play in achieving the SDGs, and for the world’s leading research institutions, including CAS, there are a growing number of research publications that address research areas associated with these goals.

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  • Vital to many expanding technologies, rare-earth deposits were identified in Japan’s deep-sea clays in 2013. Scientists have been contemplating the technical and environmental challenge this presents.

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  • Japanese researchers are contributing to affordable technology and informing international guidelines on how to monitor the impact of exploration in the ocean’s depths.

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  • A combination of refined sub-bottom acoustic sensing technology and core sampling is revealing the seafloor's history and the likely location of rare-earth elements.

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  • China’s first TCR-T programme for solid tumours has been supported by GenScript ProBio, a globally recognized CDMO whose robust systems ensure high quality.

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  • Preprint servers have become an indispensable part of scholarly publishing. The next step is learning how to embrace them.

    • Michele Avissar-Whiting
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  • Focussing on a small group of ecologically important reefs offers a pragmatic approach to conservation, with a tiny proportion able to reseed almost half of the Great Barrier Reef.

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  • From ELISA to western blotting, getting reliable experimental results needs good technique. With some systematic thinking, plus a bit of trial and error, you can improve your antibody-handling skills.

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  • A conversation with Junqiang Chen, M.D., Ph.D., President, The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University (FAH)

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  • A collaborative study on DNA-protein interactions exemplifies the multidisciplinary and cooperative research at BIOPIC, laying the foundation for biotechnology breakthroughs.

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