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  • The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) has different patterns when it comes to domestic versus international collaboration across the scientific disciplines.

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  • Multidisciplinary scientific breakthroughs presented at the 2020 WE SUMMIT inspire reflections on how to improve the planet with science and technology.

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  • Education is the key to improved diets, as a Japanese NGO demonstrated, when it travelled abroad with a curriculum of nutrition.

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  • As countries strive to promote healthier diets and lessen the risk of chronic illnesses, an umami-inducing flavour enhancer could hold the key to reduce salt in food without compromising on taste.

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  • The Innovative Optical and Wireless Network (IOWN) initiative, led by global ICT giant NTT, is working on a remarkable vision of a future augmented society.

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  • Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School has been driving rapid progress in AI visualization and imaging, with diverse real-world applications.

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  • AI experts, in different stages of their careers, are offered generous research funding by two leading institutions.

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  • An innovative young company, Standigm Inc., is creating cutting-edge AI technology for discovering and developing new therapeutics.

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  • Supported by the positive spiral of research and development at Hitachi’s Lumada Data Science Lab, top data scientists are developing artificial intelligence solutions to help solve society's challenges

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  • The Technical University of Munich (TUM) is ahead of the game when it comes to AI and robotics. And that includes the societal side as much as the technological.

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  • The Japanese Government is driving the development of AI-based innovations that aim to ease the healthcare burden and enable professionals to deliver better quality face-to-face care.

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  • An ankle sensor for he elderly is just one example of a disruptive AI technology being fostered by a venture capital company in Japan

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