Research articles

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  • The reconstruction of spatially resolved information of an extended object from an observed intensity diffraction pattern in holographic imaging is a challenging problem. By incorporating an explicit physical model, Lee and colleagues propose a deep learning method that can be used in holographic image reconstruction under physical perturbations and which generalizes well beyond object-to-sensor distances and pixel sizes seen during training.

    • Chanseok Lee
    • Gookho Song
    • Mooseok Jang
  • Despite recent improvements in microscopy acquisition methods, extracting quantitative information from biological experiments in crowded conditions is a challenging task. Pineda and colleagues propose a geometric deep-learning-based framework for automated trajectory linking and dynamical property estimation that is able to effectively deal with complex biological scenarios.

    • Jesús Pineda
    • Benjamin Midtvedt
    • Carlo Manzo
    ArticleOpen Access