Research articles

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  • Mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) can provide important information, but long imaging times are needed to achieve a high spatial resolution, which is why the amount of publicly available high-resolution MSI data for deep learning applications is limited. Liao and colleagues use transfer learning from optical super-resolution images to reduce the amount of MSI data that is needed.

    • Tiepeng Liao
    • Zihao Ren
    • Hongying Zhu
  • The stochastic features of memristors make them suitable for computation and probabilistic sampling; however, implementing these properties in hardware is extremely challenging. Lin et al. introduce an approach that leverages the cycle-to-cycle read variability of memristors as a physical random variable for in situ, real-time random number generation, and demonstrate it on a risk-sensitive reinforcement learning task.

    • Yudeng Lin
    • Qingtian Zhang
    • Huaqiang Wu
  • Recurrent neural networks are flexible architectures that can perform a variety of complex, time-dependent computations. Kim and Bassett introduce an alternative, ‘programming’-like computational framework to determine the appropriate network parameters for a specific task without the need for supervised training.

    • Jason Z. Kim
    • Dani S. Bassett
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Robots that can change their shape offer flexible functionality. A modular robotic platform is shown that implements physical polygon meshing, by combining triangles with sides of adjustable lengths, allowing flexible three-dimensional shape configurations.

    • Christoph H. Belke
    • Kevin Holdcroft
    • Jamie Paik
  • Worldwide weather station forecasting is challenging because of high computational costs and the difficulty of modelling spatiotemporal correlations from partial observations. Wu et al. propose a transformer-based method that can reconstruct such complex correlations from scattered weather stations, leading to efficient and interpretable state-of-the-art forecasts.

    • Haixu Wu
    • Hang Zhou
    • Jianmin Wang
  • Designing methods to induce explicit and deep structural constraints in latent space at the sample level is an open problem in natural language processing-derived methods relying on transfer learning. McDermott and colleagues propose and analyse a pre-training framework imposing such structural constraints, and empirically demonstrate its advantages by showing that it outperforms existing pre-training state-of-the-art methods.

    • Matthew B. A. McDermott
    • Brendan Yap
    • Marinka Zitnik
    ArticleOpen Access
  • While single-cell multimodal datasets allow for the measurement of individual cells to understand cellular and molecular mechanisms, generating multimodal data for many cells is costly and challenging. Cohen Kalafut and colleagues develop a machine learning model capable of imputing single-cell modalities and prioritizing multimodal features, such as gene expression, chromatin accessibility and electrophysiology.

    • Noah Cohen Kalafut
    • Xiang Huang
    • Daifeng Wang
  • Immersive virtual reality requires artificial sensory perceptions to simulate what we feel and how we interact in the natural environment. Zhang and colleagues present a first-person, human-triggered, active haptic device that allows users to experience mechanical touching with various stiffness perceptions from positive to negative ranges, achieved by the unique benefits of curved origami.

    • Zhuang Zhang
    • Zhenghao Xu
    • Hanqing Jiang
  • Memory efficient online training of recurrent spiking neural networks without compromising accuracy is an open challenge in neuromorphic computing. Yin and colleagues demonstrate that training a recurrent neural network consisting of so-called liquid time-constant spiking neurons using an algorithm called Forward-Propagation Through Time allows for online learning and state-of-the-art performance at a reduced computational cost compared with existing approaches.

    • Bojian Yin
    • Federico Corradi
    • Sander M. Bohté
  • To detect phenotype-related cell subpopulations from single-cell data, appropriate feature sets need to be chosen or learned simultaneously. Ren et al. present here a tool based on Learning with Rejection, a method that during training learns features from cells that can be predicted with high confidence, while cells that the model is not yet certain about are rejected.

    • Tao Ren
    • Canping Chen
    • Zheng Xia
  • Particle tracking velocimetry to estimate particle displacements in fluid flows in complex experimental scenarios is a challenging task and often comes with high computational cost. Liang and colleagues propose a graph neural network and optimal transport-based algorithm that can greatly improve the accuracy of existing tracking algorithms in real-world applications.

    • Jiaming Liang
    • Chao Xu
    • Shengze Cai
  • Online commerce is increasingly relying on pricing algorithms. Using a network-based approach inspired by adversarial machine learning, a firm can learn the strategy of its competitors and use it to unilaterally increase all firms’ profits. This approach, termed as ‘adversarial collusion’, calls for new regulatory measures.

    • Luc Rocher
    • Arnaud J. Tournier
    • Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye
  • Deep learning can be used to predict molecular properties, but such methods usually need a large amount of data and are hard to generalize to different chemical spaces. To provide a useful primer for deep learning models models, Fang and colleagues use contrastive learning and a knowledge graph based on the Periodic Table and Wikipedia pages on chemical functional groups.

    • Yin Fang
    • Qiang Zhang
    • Huajun Chen
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Evolutionary computation methods can find useful solutions for many complex real-world science and engineering problems, but in general there is no guarantee for finding the best solution. This challenge can be tackled with a new framework incorporating machine learning that helps evolutionary methods to avoid local optima.

    • Bin Li
    • Ziping Wei
    • Jun Zhang
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Transformer models are gaining increasing popularity in modelling natural language as they can produce human-sounding text by iteratively predicting the next word in a sentence. Born and Manica apply the idea of Transformer-based text completion to property prediction of chemical compounds by providing the context of a problem and having the model complete the missing information.

    • Jannis Born
    • Matteo Manica
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Sepsis treatment needs to be well timed to be effective and to avoid antibiotic resistance. Machine learning can help to predict optimal treatment timing, but confounders in the data hamper reliability. Liu and colleagues present a method to predict patient-specific treatment effects with increased accuracy, accompanied by an uncertainty estimate.

    • Ruoqi Liu
    • Katherine M. Hunold
    • Ping Zhang
  • Generative models in cheminformatics depend on molecules being representable as structured data, such as the simplified molecular-input line-entry system (SMILES). Mokaya and colleagues investigated how the choice of representation influences the quality of generated compounds, and found that string-based representations can hinder performance in a curriculum learning setting.

    • Maranga Mokaya
    • Fergus Imrie
    • Charlotte M. Deane