Journal Information

Nature India is a digital magazine providing information on India’s science. It is published by Nature Research, part of Springer Nature and is free to access at The website and its print publications cover the latest news and views on India’s science. While its primary audience are members of the science community, the content is designed to be equally accessible to non-specialists interested in science.

Nature India highlights the latest and best research from the country and curates information on science jobs and events. The editorial team regularly goes through the latest science papers published with authors from Indian science institutions and selects interesting and timely stories to cover. Through in-depth features and commentaries, leading members of the scientific community, scientists and journalists reflect on contemporary issues affecting India’s science. Nature India’s blog Indigenus provides an independent platform for the scientific community to voice its opinions. The Nature India podcast discusses contemporary scientific topics in both English and Hindi.

Nature India is not a peer-reviewed journal and does not consider primary research articles for publication.