Meet the Editors

Dr. Marco Falcone

What is your current position?
I have been clinical fellow to University College of London (UK) in 2015, focusing on andrology and genito-urinary reconstruction. I have finished my residency at University of Turin (Italy) in 2017. I have completed a PhD in bioengineering and surgical sciences at the University of Turin, focusing my research on genital devices application to genital gender affirming surgery. I am currently a consultant at Neuro-Urology Unit at CTO hospital and Urology Clinic at Molinette hospital in Turin and honorary lecturer at University of Torino.

Why sexual medicine research?
Since my early career I have been involved in research in field of andrology and reconstructive urology. At that time my mentors were pushing forwards the limit of andrology, and I was fascinating by the enormous possibility linked to sexual medicine field.
I have always been attracted by this specific field of urology due to its rapid evolution along to the development of new materials and devices. Sexual medicine is a fascinating branch of urology which can sharply change patients’ perspective and impact dramatically on their quality of life.

What sexual medicine research/paper/innovation would you consider timeless?
I consider the first description of a total phallic reconstruction by the Russian surgeon N.A. Bogoras as a milestone in the field of sexual medicine. This pioneering paper opened lights on the possibility to achieve a total genital reconstruction after traumatic amputation of the penis. Following research along with the introduction of microscope applications in the field of surgery lead to the development of the modern techniques used to address phalloplasty in both cis-gender and transgender men.

Which young researcher/lab/company is on your “watchlist” and why?
I constantly follow genital reconstructive sessions of ESGURS section of the European Association of Urology (EAU) and of European of Sexual for Sexual Medicine (ESSM). They both represent a great example of how scientific societies should act to update members knowledge on the topic of sexual medicine as well as connecting with the best physicians involved in the field.

What piece of advice would you give to young scientists?
My suggestion to young researchers is to follow your passion from early ages of your career. Never stop reading, posing questions, and learning in every way you feel comfortable to do. Travel, connect with people worldwide and create new collaboration is the best way to enjoy your professional life. Making of a job a true passion is the best way to enjoy it.

What sexual medicine applications would you like to see more of in industry?
I would like to see a growing interest of industry towards transgender surgery. Despite the limited incidence of this condition worldwide, we are assisting in the last decade to a sharp increasing of genital gender affirming surgery requests. Therefore, we claim to develop new tools, prosthetic devices and technology applications to surgery to improve the outcomes of this specific field of genital reconstructive urology.

What has been your favourite IJIR: Your Sexual Medicine Journal publication thus far? What kind of IJIR: Your Sexual Medicine Journal publication would you like to see more of?
As an editor of IJIR, I am specifically focused on genital reconstructive surgery. I would like to receive manuscripts trying to push forward the limits of genital reconstruction, aiming to ease surgeons to improve surgical outcomes in this challenging field of urology. I strongly believe that applications of new frontiers of technological applications to surgery (robotics and microscopy) may have a detrimental impact on quality of reconstructions and consequently on patients’ satisfaction.

What important advice would you give to sexual medicine patients?
Know you doctors! You should be widely informed on the specific of your specialist. The field of sexual medicine is so wide that every disturb should be referred to a dedicated expert of the topic. Additionally, be aware of doctors offering shortcuts to address your problems. Trust science, trust evidence-based medicine.

What is your favourite application of sexual medicine in the world?
Surely the introduction of artificial erection devices in the management of erectile dysfunction. Since their first introduction on the market, penile prosthesis experienced a sharp technological refinement leading to excellent surgical and functional outcomes. Despite that, we are still far away from the perfect device. We therefore call for new developments to come in next future.