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CALL FOR PAPERS: Mobile Elements and Structural Variations

We are delighted to announce call for papers for our next special issue, Mobile Elements and Structural Variations – Detection, Associations and Causality –. 


  • Submissions of both commissioned and non-commissioned content should be formatted according to the journal’s guidelines. All manuscripts will undergo standard peer review and must be submitted through eJP.

    Open for submissions
  • In this special issue, the articles discuss the significance of cloud computing from various aspects, such as the technical requirements for the safe and widespread utilization of human genome data, the construction of an environment and practical examples, and a survey of public awareness.


Editor’s Selection on Splicing Variants and Copy Number Variation

Human Genome Variation is delighted to present its first Collection for the March 2019 issue. Coordinated by the Editor-in-Chief, Professor Katsushi Tokunaga, this Collection features the latest Data Reports and Articles on the identifications of disease-causing splicing variants and copy number variations.
