Research articles

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  • Enhancing the inherently weak interaction of photons and magnetic dipoles can revolutionize emerging technologies by unlocking applications in electronics, sensing, and quantum computing. The authors present the mode engineering methods of microwave cavities, which promise enhancements of such interaction to over 1016 times compared to free space.

    • Hyeongrak Choi
    • Dirk Englund
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Machine learning looks poised to provide breakthroughs in various fields. The authors introduce a data-driven approach to identify and classify topological phases of dynamical systems, thereby disclosing efficient solutions to find novel topological lasing modes in complex systems.

    • Stephan Wong
    • Jan Olthaus
    • Sang Soon Oh
    ArticleOpen Access
  • The Dynamics of Tomonaga-Luttinger (TL) liquids is deterministic, and the absence of stochastic thermalization processes provides unique characteristics, such as long-lived non-thermal metastable states with many conserved quantities. Here, we show such non-thermal states can emerge even when the TL liquid is excited with extremely high-energy hot electrons in chiral quantum-Hall edge channels.

    • Kotaro Suzuki
    • Tokuro Hata
    • Toshimasa Fujisawa
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Enhancing and tuning light-matter interactions is crucial for the advancement of future technologies; however, to achieve this, it is essential to find materials that are compatible with CMOS technology. In this study, the authors demonstrate that coupling a MoSe2 monolayer with a silicon-based dielectric nanoresonator can enhance and tune the absorption of the former to near-field resonances.

    • Ana Estrada-Real
    • Ioannis Paradisanos
    • Bernhard Urbaszek
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Coupling topological states to photons could lead to new testing grounds for topology and to the generation of novel quantum states. Here, the authors theoretically consider a topological insulator nanowire embedded in a superconducting resonator with high Q-factor and explore its use as a detector for the resulting dissipative response under an applied oscillating electromagnetic field.

    • Shimon Arie Haver
    • Eran Ginossar
    • Eytan Grosfeld
    ArticleOpen Access
  • X-ray free-electron lasers enable a range of new experimental investigations into the properties of matter driven to extreme conditions via intense x-ray-matter interaction. The proposed numerical method enables a quantitative investigation of transient high-energy-density plasmas driven by XFELs in femtosecond timescales even when both electrons and ions are far from local thermodynamic equilibrium.

    • Shenyuan Ren
    • Yuanfeng Shi
    • Sam M. Vinko
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Thermal transport in high-energy-density matter is key to understand systems as the geodynamic in the Earth’s core or the hydrodynamic instability in inertial confinement fusion capsules. The authors measure the thermal conductivity of warm dense CH and Be by coupling x-ray differential heating and time-resolved refraction-enhanced radiography.

    • S. Jiang
    • O. L. Landen
    • Y. Ping
    ArticleOpen Access
  • The information on chemical and bonding states in atom probe tomography is typically not resolved in one of the three dimensions. The authors devise a data analysis protocol to process the mass peak shape, quantifying the ion energy loss associated to the field evaporation and retrieving the original bond framework of the atoms on the surface.

    • Loïc Rousseau
    • Antoine Normand
    • François Vurpillot
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Klein tunneling is associated with particle-antiparticle pair production across a potential barrier but observing the phenomenon experimentally is challenging. Using analytical and numerical simulations, the authors show how magnetic damping allows for the breakdown of magnonic vacuum and for the creation of particle-antiparticle pairs in non-Hermitian antiferromagnets in strong magnetic fields, which has relevance for chirality-dependent magnonic computing.

    • Shaohua Yuan
    • Chaowei Sui
    • Chenglong Jia
    ArticleOpen Access
  • UTe2 is a strong candidate for spin-triplet superconductivity; however, to fully understand its superconducting properties a more complete understanding of its general electronic structure is needed. Here, the authors perform two types of X-ray spectroscopy to investigate the 5 f electronic states of the uranium atom, finding unusual features for the pressure dependence of the 5 f electron count.

    • Fabrice Wilhelm
    • Jean-Pierre Sanchez
    • Andrei Rogalev
    ArticleOpen Access
  • It is of fundamental interest to probe dynamics excitations such as magnons with nanoscale wavelengths in matter. Here, the authors experimentally observe magnons with high k-vectors using Brillouin light scattering microscopy with the use of dielectric nanoresonators, which opens the way for the future nanoscale magnonics research and probing materials with high-momentum photons.

    • Ondřej Wojewoda
    • Filip Ligmajer
    • Michal Urbánek
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Air lasing is a cavity-free lasing action that is generated in air owing to the plasma filamentation process of high-power femtosecond laser pulses. The authors demonstrate that air lasing can be used to generate structured light, obtaining optical vortex beams and optical vector beams via superfluorescence from N2+.

    • Jingsong Gao
    • Xiang Zhang
    • Hongbing Jiang
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Reciprocity is a standard characteristic of acoustic wave transmission but breaking the symmetry can lead to greater control and potential applications. Here, the authors report non-reciprocal acoustics by achieving large breaking of reciprocity in sounds composed of harmonics spanning several octaves via non-Hermitian physics.

    • Xinxin Guo
    • Hervé Lissek
    • Romain Fleury
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Spontaneous symmetry breaking can give rise to unexpected properties in a physical system. Here, the authors consider spontaneous symmetry breaking in the 2D PT-symmetric fractional nonlinear Schrödinger equation, finding that the asymmetric solitons are ghost states whose propagation constants are complex and differ from that of an integral case.

    • Ming Zhong
    • Zhenya Yan
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Broken temporal symmetry (time irreversibility) of turbulent flow statistics has previously been investigated, but wall-bounded turbulence has received less attention. By adopting a multiscale approach, in this study, the authors find a connection between high time irreversibility levels and energetic coherent motions in the flow at characteristic scales.

    • Giovanni Iacobello
    • Subharthi Chowdhuri
    • Stefania Scarsoglio
    ArticleOpen Access
  • The discovery of superconductivity in doped infinite-layer nickelates has recently garnered significant attention. Here, the authors employed a quantum many-body Green’s function-based approach to investigate the electronic and magnetic fluctuations in LaNiO2 providing microscopic insight into the origin of suppressed long-range order and magnetic excitation spectrum in the nickelates, along with their potential correlation with the cuprates.

    • Christopher Lane
    • Ruiqi Zhang
    • Jian-Xin Zhu
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Dual frequency combs are a powerful tool for a range of optical measurements and technologies. The authors here generate orthogonally polarized dual combs with exceptionally high relative stability.

    • Nicholas J. Lambert
    • Luke S. Trainor
    • Harald G. L. Schwefel
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Martensitic crystal structures are usually obtained by rapid thermal quenching of certain alloys, as this induces local shear deformation. This paper reveals that the latter, and hence a martensitic structural transformation, can also be achieved by exciting a suitable transverse phonon mode, as is demonstrated in partially stabilized zirconia by using intense terahertz pulses.

    • Masaya Nagai
    • Yuhei Higashitani
    • Norimasa Ozaki
    ArticleOpen Access
  • The design of novel and tunable experimental systems for synthetic active materials is of immense interest. The authors present one such design that uses the physics of self-generated waves to realize a tunable active spinner system.

    • Jack-William Barotta
    • Stuart J. Thomson
    • Daniel M. Harris
    ArticleOpen Access
  • The Andreev reflection provides a deterministic teleportation process at an ideal normal-superconductor interface, making it behave like an information mirror. Here, the authors theoretically propose a regime to realize the laser-induced Andreev reflection via a synthetic normal-gas-superfluid junction in ultracold Fermi gases, which exhibits significantly different properties from tunneling at conventional junctions.

    • Tingyu Zhang
    • Hiroyuki Tajima
    • Haozhao Liang
    ArticleOpen Access