Reviews & Analysis

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  • There is growing interest in organic semiconductor devices for light-mediated neuromodulation, such as for retinal stimulation. Here, the key working principles of these devices are discussed, as well as promising applications and outstanding challenges for the field.

    • Danashi Imani Medagoda
    • Diego Ghezzi
    PerspectiveOpen Access
  • Carbon dots are suitable for a range of biological applications due to their unique physicochemical properties and biological behavior. This Review summarizes research related to the emerging field of red-emissive two-photon carbon dots for bioimaging, biosensing, and phototherapeutic applications.

    • Pooria Lesani
    • Aina Hazeera Mohamad Hadi
    • Hala Zreiqat
    Review ArticleOpen Access
  • Quantum materials host many exotic properties, which might be utilized for new electronic devices. Here, artificial intelligence for the discovery of quantum materials is discussed, covering both materials and property prediction, and high-throughput synthesis.

    • Valentin Stanev
    • Kamal Choudhary
    • Ichiro Takeuchi
    Review ArticleOpen Access
  • The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of materials and coatings for antiviral surfaces. Here, a comprehensive review is performed for natural and synthetic antiviral and virucidal materials, including a discussion of their underpinning mechanisms.

    • Paulina D. Rakowska
    • Mariavitalia Tiddia
    • Ian S. Gilmore
    Review ArticleOpen Access
  • The current surge in data generation necessitates devices that can store and analyze data in an energy efficient way. This Review summarizes and discusses developments on the use of spintronic devices for energy-efficient data storage and logic applications, and energy harvesting based on spin.

    • Jorge Puebla
    • Junyeon Kim
    • Yoshichika Otani
    Review ArticleOpen Access