
Pan-Cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes

Cancer is a disease of the genome, caused by a cell's acquisition of somatic mutations in key cancer genes. These mutations alter pathways involved in regulating cellular growth and interactions with the tissue environment. Until recently, research on the cancer genome was focused on protein-coding genes, which together account for only 1% of the genome. To address this issue, the ICGC/TCGA Pan-Cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes (PCAWG) Project performed whole genome sequencing and integrative analysis on over 2,600 primary cancers and their matching normal tissues across 38 distinct tumor types. This study revealed the extensive role played by large-scale structural mutations in cancer, identified previously-unknown cancer-related mutations in gene regulatory regions, inferred tumor evolution across multiple cancer types, illuminated the interactions between somatic mutations and the transcriptome, and studied the role of germline genetic variants in modulating mutational processes. This collection comprises papers describing the core set of analyses conducted by the PCAWG Consortium, and showcases data, tools, and other resources useful for those who seek to further explore this legacy data set.

Browse the PCAWG publications and associated content, including News and Views, Comment, and Nature editorial. This dedicated collection compiles the PCAWG datasets, other resources and community-generated content.

A channel in our cancer community includes background on the PCAWG project and behind-the -paper insights.

A guide to access all the datasets and tools generated by the ICGC/PCAWG consortium

Landing Page

July 25, 2019

PCAWG Landing Page



This is the recommended starting point for users wishing to access the PCAWG data used in the February 2020 publications in Nature and affiliated journals. It provides browsing, download and usage information for frozen PCAWG data files as of July 25, 2019.

Data Portal

Open & controlled access

ICGC Data Portal



This is the main entry point for accessing PCAWG datasets using a single uniform web interface and a high performance data download client. Most of the data is open access and can be accessed without prior approval. Researchers wishing to access data that is potentially identifiable, such as germline variants, must obtain approval from the ICGC and TCGA data access committees. 

Cloud Portal

Open & controlled access

Cancer Genome Collaboratory



Academic compute cloud-based access to the PCAWG data set, excepting the TCGA-originated portion of the controlled data tier.

Cloud Portal

Controlled access

The Bionimbus Protected Data Cloud



Academic compute cloud-based access to the TCGA-originated portion of the controlled data tier.

Data Portal

Open access




UCSC Xena's unique visualisations and analyses allow users to integrate the many diverse types of omics data generated by the PCAWG consortium, including copy number, gene expression, gene fusion, promoter usage, simple somatic mutations, large somatic structural variation, mutational signatures and phenotypic data.

Data Portal

Open access

Expression Atlas



Expression Atlas is an open science resource that gives users a powerful way to find information about gene and protein expression. It enables queries across different tissues, cell types, developmental stages and experimental conditions, across thousands of publicly available RNA-Seq, microarray and proteomics data sets.

Data Portal

Open access




PCAWG-Scout provides a framework for ‘omics workflow and website templating to make on-demand, in-depth analyses over the open access PCAWG data.

Data Portal

Open access

Chromothripsis Explorer



The Chromothripsis Explorer portal enables exploration of patterns of chromothripsis in the PCAWG dataset. Users can explore properties such as purity and ploidy, and interact with circos plots for all tumors.

Data Portal

Open access

Cancer LncRNA Census



The Cancer LncRNA Census is an ongoing effort to identify and catalogue lncRNA genes which have been causally implicated in cancer.

Software Tool

Open source

PCAWG Core Pipelines



All core alignment, QC and variation-calling pipelines used by PCAWG have been packaged as portable binaries using Docker, and described using workflow description languages. The binaries, source code, and documentation can be found at the Dockstore site using the URL above.

Software Tool

Open source

Overture Suite



Overture comprises a set of open source tools for efficiently managing large genomic data sets and transferring them efficiently and reliably across the Internet.

Software Tool

Open source




Butler is a workflow frameworkthat facilitates large-scale genomic analyses on public and academic clouds while offering comprehensive error detection and self-healing capabilities.

Software Tool

Open source




SVclone is a computational method for inferring the cancer cell fraction of structural variant (SV) breakpoints from whole-genome sequencing data.

Software Tool

Open source




DriverPower is a tool used to discover potential coding and non-coding cancer driver elements from tumor whole-genome or whole-exome somatic mutation sets. 

Software Tool

Open source




TrackSig is a computational framework to infer changes in somatic mutational signatures over time