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Maintenance thalidomide following single cycle autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplant in patients with multiple myeloma


Although autologous stem cell transplant is an effective therapy for patients with multiple myeloma and extends progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS), patients show a continued pattern of recurrent disease. Twenty-nine patients were enrolled in a phase II study investigating the tolerability and efficacy of maintenance thalidomide following single autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplant. Six to eight weeks after transplant, patients were started on maintenance thalidomide at 50 mg a day. The dose was gradually escalated to a target dose of 400 mg a day and continued until disease progression or 6 months after achieving complete remission (CR) for a maximum total duration of 18 months. At 6 months, 13 patients (45%) achieved CR or near complete remission (positive immunofixation without any evidence of disease). The estimated 2-year OS was 83% and PFS was 49%. Median tolerated dose of thalidomide was 200 mg a day. In conclusion, thalidomide as maintenance therapy is feasible and may improve outcome after single autologous stem cell transplant.

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Sahebi, F., Spielberger, R., Kogut, N. et al. Maintenance thalidomide following single cycle autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplant in patients with multiple myeloma. Bone Marrow Transplant 37, 825–829 (2006).

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