Book Review

  • Ece Eden
Springer, 2016, price £100.50 pp 189 ISBN 9783319400327 | ISBN: 978-3-3194-0032-7

Caries prevention and management is the foundation of bettering oral health and provides the fundamental diagnosis and risk assessment for the provision of any further treatment. As healthcare professionals it is vital that we understand the evidence that justifies the advice and treatment we deliver to our patients on a daily basis.

This book aims to deliver the evidence behind the appropriate detection, management and prevention of caries in a number of situations worldwide. It is an easy-to-follow read with helpful diagrams, pictures and tables to aid understanding of key factors that are associated with providing adequate preventative advice and treatment, useful for both clinicians and undergraduates alike. It not only discusses key aspects of minimally invasive dentistry, but importantly the evidence-based literature to validate the advice and treatment we should be providing as healthcare professionals.

The first few chapters discuss the epidemiology, assessment and diagnosis of carious lesions and the importance of using standardised methods of evaluation to aid communication between dental professionals. Comparisons are made between indices used not only to assess and diagnose the extent of carious lesions, but to gain understanding of the prognosis of the tooth, which ultimately determines treatment aims.

Following this the book proceeds to provide evidence on the use of re-mineralising agents and antimicrobials in clinical situations, which can aim to prevent or reduce the progression of carious lesions. Various methods of fluoridated adjuncts and their appropriate use, as well as evidence to deny any previous claims of untoward health interactions of fluoride are discussed.

Evidence-based advice is given on the information we should be providing to adolescents, parents and to the elderly in regards to healthy eating and reducing the amount of extrinsic sugars in our diet.

Preventative and minimally invasive treatment is also mentioned in the form of fissure sealants and the various materials used for this as well as treatment of approximal lesions with infiltration of resin. Behavioural modification and patient factors to consider at different stages in a patient's life from pregnancy to adulthood is also discussed in a systematic approach.

To summarise, this book would primarily benefit clinicians who interact particularly with children and young adolescents daily. However, it is important to acknowledge that we all have a duty to provide appropriate oral health advice and care to all our patients and therefore this book is a good basis for the evidence behind that.

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