Name: Christine Horbury

Age: 28

Town: Leeds

Loves: Cream buns, my friends and of course my Mum.

Hates: People that don't get up for the elderly on the bus.

Hobbies: Running, socialising with friends, eating and eating out.

Job: Senior Nurse at New Smile Dental Care in Leeds.

How did you get your job? I was part-time at the practice while I was at college then I was offered a full-time job which I was quick to snap up.

How did you end up working in dentistry? I wanted to be a paediatric nurse in the hospital but decided against it and looked for a job with on the job training while getting paid. I decided on being a dental nurse as I still could get the chance to care for people and did not have to work unsociable hours.

What do you enjoy most about your job? Advising people on treatment, taking radiographs, caring for people – especially the little ones – and of course working with such a great team; after all, that is what makes a practice.

What is the most challenging part of your job? Juggling work and my new course: there are just not enough hours in the day. Also, dealing with the language barrier at my practice. We have many overseas patients with little English or no English at all and making appointments can be tricky.

Would you recommend a career in dentistry? For sure: I have been lucky to have such a good boss who has spent at lot of time and money funding my course. There are so many courses out there. So far I have completed my National Certificate, my Radiography and I am now studying for an Advanced Diploma in Patient Care Coordination. It's good now that we are seen as professionals: the register has changed so much for DCPs.

If you weren't working in dentistry, what would you be doing? That's easy, I'd be an international rock star. Well I can only dream!

What three things could you not live without? My Mum, my friends and of course shopping.

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