Forensic dentist Judy Hinchliffe is one of the speakers at the scientific meeting of the British Association of Dental Therapists to be held in Liverpool this month (20-21 June).

Dr Hinchliffe took part in the identification of victims of the tsunami in Thailand in 2004 and the aftermath of the bombings in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt, in 2005, when more than 80 people were killed. She has been involved in several murder inquiries.

She will be talking about child abuse and physical injuries to children, drawing on cases she has been involved in.

Other speakers include Jenny Harris, paediatric specialist for Sheffield salaried dental service, on safeguarding children in general dental practice, and ‘celebrity’ Manchester dentist Phil Wander. Founder member and chair of the British Homeopathic Dental Association, who has treated David Beckham and Eric Cantona, Dr Wander will talk about complementary and alternative therapies in dentistry.

Craig Barclay, consultant in restorative dentistry, will speak on the maintenance of dental implants.