Handbook for dental nurses

  • J. Bonehill,
  • C. Roberts &
  • D. Wincott
Blackwell £17.99 ISBN: 9781405128032 | ISBN: 978-1-4051-2803-2

It is refreshing to see a ‘handy’ sized (18.5 × 12.5 cm) textbook designed for dental nurses. According to the publishers, this book is aimed principally at dental nurses in practice, especially those who are newly qualified, returning to work, or those ‘grandparented’ in terms of registration.

The book is divided into 20 chapters within just over 200 pages, covering topics pertinent to a variety of dental procedures. The authors are all described as experienced dental nurses whose aim is to provide user friendly information for newly qualified nurses, confirming key facts and acting as an aide-mémoire.

Certainly the book's handy size is one of its main advantages as it does manage to provide a wide range of information which can be easily sourced. Under each chapter heading a brief summary of that topic is provided which outlines its relevance to the dental nurse. The book clearly states that it should not be read from cover to cover but should be used to refresh knowledge on an ad hoc basis. To achieve this, the authors have ensured that each chapter contains brief text, lists of tasks/factors etc, and at least one picture or graphic. The majority of chapters also contain top tips and suggested links to other chapters.

I found the layout of the book very good; the variety of photos, drawings and charts supported the text and made the book user friendly. However, a minor criticism is that often lists or paragraphs are interrupted to incorporate a graphic and unfortunately this graphic does not always relate directly to the topic area being discussed. Nevertheless the use of bullet pointed or numbered lists means that the information contained can be easily sourced and I would concur with the authors that this book does refresh previous knowledge perhaps forgotten.

Another useful aspect of the book is the authors' ability to include information within an example layout (eg medical history form) rather than trying to describe what contents a form should contain. This was also the case with charting as the book displays actual charts to accompany the theory. My concern is that the substance of theory is relatively superficial so I think that this book might be considered too basic by most qualified dental nurses. Certainly the reasoning behind certain tasks and procedures is not explained therefore it does not suggest a depth of understanding is required in order to become a safe and efficient dental care professional. The book does, however, add a contemporary feel by including topics such as dental nurse qualifications and how to improve your working life. Both of these chapters provide up-to-date information that is relevant to any GDC-registered dental nurse and includes elements of evidence based dentistry, reflective practice, indemnity and continuing professional development – all of which are relatively new to the dental nursing profession.

I would suggest that qualified dental nurses using this user friendly book will gain some information but may be frustrated that the information is not more in depth.