Anne Evans, Listerine Dental Science Liaison and 2007 Listerine Hygiene and Therapy Student Award winner, Jennifer Key

Jennifer Key, a hygiene therapy student at The Greater Manchester School for Professions Complementary to Dentistry, has won the Listerine Hygiene and Therapy Student Award.

At a ceremony held at the School, Jennifer was presented with a cheque for £1,000 by competition judge Anne Evans, Listerine Dental Science Liaison Manager. Tutor Elaine Taylor Duxbury also received a cheque for £1,000 on behalf of the school.

‘This award is an exciting new initiative for Listerine,’ said Anne. ‘We're proud to help train and develop the future generation of hygienists.’

The award invites dental and hygiene therapy students across the UK to submit a poster presentation based on what they have learnt from the Listerine Plaque Viability practical experiment. The objective of this is to demonstrate living and dead plaque and assess the influence a mouthwash might have on it. Jennifer developed a flow diagram poster and submitted a 200-word synopsis outlining the key benefits of adding an essential oil mouthwash to the daily oral care routine.

The essential oil contained in Listerine mouthwash has been demonstrated to effectively penetrate plaque and help protect against recolonisation of dental surfaces.