To celebrate its 60th anniversary, the Eastman is hosting a celebratory congress for the whole dental team. The event will take place on Thursday 3 and Friday 4 April 2008 in central London.

Richard Welfare will run a session aimed specifically at DCPs titled ‘Is there a role for DCPs in implant treatment?’ More patients than ever before are being rehabilitated with implant retained prostheses, and the provision of this type of treatment affects the whole team from the dental nurses, technician and clinician to the hygienist, therapist and other support staff. Mr Welfare will update the congress on current thinking for a successful treatment outcome.

Other speakers at the congress will address ‘Why should we register with the GDC and what about CPD?’ (Julia Brewin); ‘Are bugs important?’ (Vanya Gant); and ‘Does the design of the restoration matter?’ (Ken Hemmings).

To book your team's place at the congress or for more information, visit, email or contact Victoria Banks on 020 7905 1251.