A mouth watering range of new waiting room materials have been produced to stimulate interest in Sonicare which feature the theme ‘A healthier lifesmile’. The campaign highlights the importance of a healthy lifestyle — which naturally includes caring for the teeth. To complement the campaign, a £10 cash-back incentive has been initiated to stimulate interest. The materials for the dental practice include posters, A4 and A5 sized showcards, leaflets which can be posted or inserted in a leaflet dispenser, and patient appointment cards.

Also free for every practice are three easy-to-read-and-understand leaflets which have been produced to educate patients about the risks of periodontal disease and coronary heart disease, diabetes and preterm low birth weight babies. These are complemented by a general overarching leaflet about the newest Sonicare, the e9000 — which explains the benefits of the new mini brush head and two speed power handle.