There are now a large number of sugar alternatives available to those wanting to avoid sugar, but a new product launched under the brand name Perfect Sweet stands out for its dental benefits, according to its creators.

Perfect Sweet's sole ingredient is xylitol, a name derived from the Greek word ‘xyl’, meaning wood, as it was first discovered in birch wood. Xylitol is a natural substance found in many plants and fruits, and despite looking and tasting just like sugar it has several healthy benefits. It has nearly half as few calories as sugar, 75% less available carbohydrates, and a GI (Glycaemic Index) value of just seven, making it ideal for dieters, diabetics, and those looking to eat more healthily.

While sugar forms an acidic environment most other sweeteners either cause a small rise in acidity or don't have an effect on pH at all, therefore whilst they may not cause damage to teeth, they do not actively help teeth. Xylitol forms an alkaline environment when it is broken down. Studies published on xylitol show that this has two dental benefits. Firstly it means Streptococcus mutans numbers are reduced and secondly it encourages the uptake of the minerals that are needed to repair damaged enamel.

Perfect Sweet is a mainst-ream xylitol sugar alternative and can be found in Sainsbury's, Waitrose, Tesco, Holland and Barrett, and independent health stores.

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