
I have always read with enthusiasm the debate and discussions regarding dental nurses (DNs) becoming registered with the GDC. I myself, along with fellow colleagues, have waited some time for this to happen and agree with it as DNs will finally be recognised as ‘professional people’ (hooray!). Not just as figures that are always present in the dental surgery.

However, through my own experiences as a DN, I find it's not so much the general public we need to convince of our knowledge and efficiency, it's actually some of the dentists we work with. A couple of concerns are if those we work with and assist daily have difficulty in accepting that DNs now qualifying or qualified have worked hard to achieve their goals and recognise them as valued and essential members of the dental team and have their wages boosted to a professional level. How long is it going to take for some dentists to advertise for experienced/qualified DNs as opposed to school leavers where training will be given? Will this lessen once the transitional period has elapsed and statutory registration is compulsory? And finally, CPD courses: will these be in the DNs' own time or during working hours?

I do have my doubts as to where this will all end, except that it could be an upward struggle for many DNs.