Management of medical emergencies for the dental team

  • Thornhill,
  • Pemberton &
  • Atherton
Stephen Hancocks Limited £32.90 ISBN: 0954614542 | ISBN: 0-954-61454-2

I think writing a publication for the dental team is potentially quite a tricky business. Trying to get the pitch right for all levels is not easy remembering that everyone from the receptionist to the senior dentist could potentially be reading the book. The subject and format are both winners for the authors.

The book starts off by discussing the importance of preventing a medical emergency; it also includes an excellent template for a medical history form. It leads onto a useful section on equipment and emergency drugs, giving a suggested list of drugs needed in the dental work place.

It incorporates a comprehensive diagrammatic section on the preparation of the drugs, as well as the three injection routes used for emergency drugs: intra venously, intra muscularly and subcutaneous. This is especially useful revision as these injection methods are rarely routinely used by the dental team.

The book is formatted in such a way that it makes easy reading for all levels. For each medical emergency it starts by giving a clinical scenario, highlights the causes, clearly lists the signs and symptoms, discusses the prevention and then importantly lists the facts relating to the management of the condition.

Every medical emergency protocol is referenced under a short section of background information, which gives additional detail should you want to read more.

I think this is a useful revision book for the dental office and its team. I say revision aid, as all dental professionals should receive regular training on this subject. They should not be using this book as an alternative to receiving practical hands-on training. Medical emergency protocols do change and sadly for the authors the Basic Life Support regime they have included is now out of date. New guidelines have been recently published, readers may wish to review the National Resuscitation Council website for up to date details. Visit .

To order this book at a discounted rate of £25 turn to page 40.