Regular updates to your door

The GDC is expanding its circulation of the GDC Gazette, which aims to keep dental professionals up to date on the latest GDC developments, practical information and the latest news on statutory registration for professionals complementary to dentistry.

It sends copies to its current registrants and now also to future registrants (via dental schools, hygiene and therapy schools and the dental professional associations), trusts and health boards, consumer bodies and a range of other organisations.

If you would like to receive your own copy, please contact the GDC to be added to its mailing list. You can email or telephone 020 7887 3824.

BDA Conference 2005

This year's British Dental Conference and Exhibition programme in Glasgow on 19-21 May is designed to encompass many of the issues significant to PCDs. The seminars, workshops and lectures are relevant to all members of the dental team, covering management and teamwork as well as clinical topics. These include extending the clinical role of PCDs, the future role of dental nurses and a conscious sedation demonstration to name but a few.

Also available is a special ‘Team Booking’ discount option and you can also book individual tickets for the three-day event for £90 or one-day tickets for £40. Most tickets include free entry to the Friday night party at the Corinthian Glasgow. If you've never attended the conference before and you want a taster you can get free entry to selected seminars by registering for an ‘exhibition only’ ticket. (Exhibition tickets are free before 12 May).

GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Consumer Healthcare's ‘Talking Points in Dentistry’ programme will celebrate its 20th Anniversary at the conference. Delegates can register for the Glasgow event using the BDA conference booking form via the BDA website.

For more information or to book visit or call 0870 166 6625.