A new School of Professionals Complementary to Dentistry was opened last month at The University of Portsmouth, by Health Minister Rosie Winterton.

Named after William Beatty, Lord Nelson's surgeon and dentist on-board the HMS Victory at the Battle of Trafalgar, the new school is housed in a £4m purpose built building and includes a 24-bay treatment clinic, two private surgeries, a phantom head skills laboratory and a dental radiography suite.

The school is the first of its kind in the country and offers a range of courses in response to the national shortage of dental professionals. The training model is one of team based training within the School and through partnerships, enabling student dental nurses, dental hygienists and therapists to engage in outreach working opportunities where primary care is delivered.

Its programmes were developed in partnership with the Hampshire and Isle of Wight NHS Workforce Development Confederation and Primary Care Trusts. Awards offered include a BSc in Dental Hygiene and Dental Therapy, a Certificate of Higher Education in Dental Nursing and a Foundation Award in Science and Dental Therapy.

For further information on these courses at the University of Portsmouth contact Carol Gough on 023 9284 3946.