Steph Horner

Age: 41

Town: Colchester

Place of work: Creffield Lodge Dental Practice

Job title: Dental Nurse/Decon Lead

In dentistry: 23 years

Loves: Marmite

Hates: spiders

Melanie Joyce

Age: 26

Town: Leeds

Place of work: Bradford DCT/Newsmile Dental Care

Job title: Dental Therapist

In dentistry: eight years

Loves: cooking and eating!

Hates: when people don't know what a dental therapist is!

Claire Deegan

Age: 37

Town: Worthing

Place of work: Multi site

Job title: Practice Manager (Specialist Orthodontist/General) and part-time Dental Nurse Tutor

In dentistry: 20 years

Loves: developing DCPs to know their full potential and seeing the results; making a difference to people's perception of dentistry and promoting career paths

Hates: negativity and snakes