A – Annual CPD

Get those all-important verifiable CPD hours and eliminate the need to take additional time away from work. Up to 15 CPD hours can be claimed for the event with a number of sessions covering recommended GDC core CPD subjects such as radiography, record keeping, medical emergencies, ethics, safeguarding vulnerable children and fitness to practise.

B – Bite-sized learning

The Training essentials theatre in the exhibition hall will offer a full programme of 30-minute lectures suitable for the whole dental team. Topics on offer range from ethics in dentistry and reducing stress at work to decontamination, preventing emergencies and reducing dental anxiety.

C – Career development

By attending the event not only will you be able to add to your CV with all the knowledge you gain through the many specialist seminars but can also develop your career with sessions on writing a winning CV, achieving success through personal development plans, communications and volunteering.

D – Demonstration theatre

A first for 2012, the Demonstration theatre in the exhibition hall will offer a hands-on, watch-and learn experience. Providing space for 70 delegates seated around an open stage, sessions will include demonstrations on phantom-head simulators and role-play enactments to illustrate topics as diverse as dental photography, sedation techniques and working posture.

E – Exhibition

Come to the exhibition to try out all the latest products, meet with a wide range of suppliers and take back some samples! Plan which exhibitors you want to see – use the online map of the exhibition hall to plan your route. All of the major dental care professional (DCP) professional associations will also have a stand so come with all your questions or just to say hello. Would you like to book an appointment with one of the exhibitors? New for 2012 is the online exhibitor meeting system. This will ensure you can fit practical discussions into your busy schedule alongside seminars and other networking.

F – Facebook and Twitter

Want to chat about the event, find out who else is going and get the latest news? Then make sure to 'like' the event on Facebook and follow it on Twitter (@BDAconference). It really is the best way to stay in the know. You can even stay in touch at the event as there will be free wi-fi available in the exhibition hall.

G – Susan Greenfield

Come and hear our keynote speaker Professor Susan Greenfield. An expert neuroscientist, Professor Greenfield is well known for her work on brain development, in particular the impact of social media such as Twitter and Facebook on an individual's brain function. Praised for her ability to convey complex ideas in an engaging and accessible way, she speaks with great passion about the importance of scientific understanding in the world of business.

H – Hygienists and therapists

Along with the many sessions suitable for the whole dental team, hygienists and therapists may want to make an early note to attend the session on preventive endodontics on Thursday 26 April, examining materials and techniques for preserving the life of the tooth, and the presentation on essential periodontics on Friday 27 April, which will look at how to identify high-risk patients as well as the rationale behind correct diagnosis and recording.

I – Innovation

New for 2012, the Innovation zone in the exhibition hall will be the place to see cutting edge developments and dental technology for the first time.

J – James Goolnik and team

Anyone with an interest in cosmetic dentistry must be sure not to miss James Goolnik's session on the team approach to tooth whitening. The former President of the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry will be presenting alongside Lindsay Bellringer, dental nurse and patient care co-ordinator at James' Bow Lane Dental practice.

K – Kids' club and crèche

There's no need to let childcare concerns stop you from visiting in April. A fully supervised kids' club and crèche will be on offer for all three days of the event providing babysitting for the very young and interactive games and entertainment for children up to 14 years.

L – Lasting impression

Ninety-five percent of previous attendees say they would recommend the event to their dental team, colleagues or associates. Speaking about the event Jill Nethercott, a dental nurse from Bolton, said: 'The whole experience was great, it was the first time for me. Loved it.'

M – Minister

Come and hear Earl Howe, the Government health minister with responsibility for dentistry, address the conference and respond to questions from the floor. Six months into the pilots for the new contracts and with many health service reforms already underway, he is sure to spark a lot of debate.

N – Nurses

Dental nurses will not want to miss the special session hosted by the British Association of Dental Nurses (BADN) on the Twenty-First Century Dental Nurse. Taking place in the Training essentials theatre on Saturday the session will discuss qualifications and career pathways available to dental nurses in the UK as well as looking at what makes the twenty-first century dental nurse unique in the current dental climate. Of course many of the sessions for the whole dental team will also be of interest including those on infection control and how to deal with anxious patients.

O – Orthodontic therapists

With a number of sessions covering X-rays and radiography, a presentation on Friday by Robert Wassell from Newcastle University on avoiding occlusal pitfalls and a session on Saturday on 'quick fix' orthodontic treatments led by Ross Hobson from Windmill Orthodontics in Dundee, orthodontic therapists are sure to find something for them in the extensive programme.

P – Paediatrics and dental care for children

All aspects of paediatric dental care will be covered at the event. Sessions to look out for include a presentation on Saturday 28 April by Jenny Harris, Specialist in Paediatric Dentistry, Sheffield Salaried Primary Dental Care Service and Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer, University of Sheffield on safeguarding vulnerable children; a presentation on Thursday 26 April by Professor Helen Rodd, Head of Paediatric Dentistry at the University of Sheffield on Caring for children: little teeth, big challenges; and a 30-minute lecture on child protection in the Training essentials theatre.

Q – Queen

As always a fantastic programme of evening entertainment is on offer. Thursday night drinks in the exhibition hall, a Friday night party at the Palace Hotel with top tribute band 'Killer Queen' and a black-tie gala dinner on Saturday at the Hilton Deansgate Hotel will all provide plenty of opportunities for networking, socialising and letting your hair down.

R – Regulation

Learn more about professional regulation at the seminar session on this topic hosted by the British Society of Dental Hygiene and Therapy (BSDHT). This session, led by Rupert Hoppenbrouwers, Head of the Dental Defence Union (DDU), will focus on professional regulation and accountability including how reforms to the civil justice system may benefit all members of the dental team.

S – Special offers

A range of pricing offers exist this year for dentists at various stages of their careers and for those wishing to bring along a DCP team member. Plus, each BDA member can attend for one-day only free of charge. A great way to get a taster of the event. See the website for full details www.bda.org/conference.

T – Technicians

Technicians have a lot to choose from at the event. Top of the bill for many will be the prosthodontics session on Saturday which will focus on key elements of effective laboratory communication, understanding the specifics of partial dentures and working effectively with implant retained over dentures.

Other highlights include a session on the maintenance of dental implants led by Craig Barclay from Manchester University Dental Hospital as well as a presentation led by the UCL Eastman Dental Institute in the demonstration theatre on achieving excellence in ceramic veneers and crown preparations.

U – Universal appeal

With over 100 sessions on offer covering the full range of clinical, professional and business topics there really is something for everyone.

V – Vital

Come and meet the Vital team, find out more about Vital verifiable CPD and maybe suggest some feature ideas. And keep an eye on future editions for pictures and coverage from the event.

W – www.bda.org/conference

Visit the BDA website for a full programme of the event, event planner, details of how to book, personal testimonials and information about special offers.

X – X-rays

Learn more about X-rays and radiography with sessions in the Training essentials theatre on radiation doses. Also not to be missed is the two-part radiography team session on Thursday focusing on radiographic audit and image evaluation, and radiography tips for challenging patients. The first part will be led by Richard Deacon, Senior Lecturer at the Birmingham School of Dental Hygiene and Therapy whilst the second part will be led by Gill Greenwood, Consultant in Special Care Dentistry at City Healthcare Partnership CIC in Hull.

Y – Your event

Make the event your own by downloading the event planner from the web. Mark off which sessions you want to attend and arrive nice and early.

Z – Zen

Visit the massage areas to chill out, relax and give those tired feet a boost!

Visit: www.bda.org/conference