I always enjoy Vital and look forward to reading it. I would be grateful if you could include some of what we are doing in the South West for DCPs in the next issue.

I work for the South West Dental Postgraduate Deanery as the DCP Tutor. I work alongside two DCP advisers, Jackie Gazzard who is responsible for Dorset/Wiltshire and Sonia Jones who is responsible for Devon/Cornwall. Between us we have been able to assist with the development of 13 local cluster CPD groups.

The groups are run by DCPs on a voluntary basis who act as a lead person(s) to organise venues, speakers etc. This allows DCPs to access core subjects and verifiable CPD local to their work/home at a low cost.

Each group is part supported financially by the South West Dental Postgraduate Deanery and also by the DCP tutor/adviser in the area.

We also provide a day each year for the group leads to meet, discuss and network.

Details of all the groups can be found on our website www.bristol.ac.uk/dentalpg/. You can also email me if you require any further information, on omxdb@bristol.ac.uk.