As a newcomer to the dental industry (in the sense that I'd just been appointed Marketing Co-ordinator for the British Dental Practice Managers' Association), the world of periodontal disease, UDAs and deciduous extractions seemed confusing to say the least. Fortunately, one of the first things to drop through the letter box was the summer issue of Vital. Initially, I thought it was, ahem, the reading material I'd ordered from Denmark and was surprised that it didn't come in a plain brown envelope. Once that confusion was out of the way, I flicked through it and was encouraged to see many photographs of people. This was more like it. There was an article about a woman who'd given up making violins to spend all day looking people's mouths. Then some case studies about DCPs (I know what they are now). The Spot the Difference was a brief (too easy) diversion and then I read the Hotspots. Okay, so I still can't bore on at parties about endodontic treatment and I've yet to receive any free toothbrushes (a major perk of joining the dental industry, I understand) but I feel much more in tune with the many lovely dental people I'm looking forward to meeting.

Well done and keep up the flow of great articles – reading them is my CPD!

Dave wins Colgate goodies worth £100.